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  • 1xMini Course: Unexpected Tips To Improve Your iPhone Food Photography$27.99

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Terms & Conditions


By using this website, you signify your consent to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use the website.

General Purpose.
These Terms are between you (“Purchaser,” “you,” “your”) and Regan Baroni Photography, LLC“ (Company,” “we,” “us,” “our”) for the purpose of purchasing or otherwise obtaining digital products and/or services (our “Products”) whether through the Company’s website at reganbaroni.com or any related domains or subdomains (the “Website”), or in person.
The Company and the Purchaser will collectively be referred to as “Parties,” and each individually as a “Party.”
By clicking “Add to Cart,” “Buy Now,” “Complete Purchase,” or any other phrase on the purchase button, submitting a payment electronically or in-person, or otherwise subscribing through the Website, you are agreeing to adhere to and be bound by following terms and conditions ( the "Terms"):

Scope of Products.
Our Products include but are not limited to: digital downloads, templates, online courses, freelance services, and workshops.

Product Delivery.
When you make a purchase and submit your payment, you will be provided with the Products as detailed on the Website. Please note that product delivery will differ based on when you make your purchase and if it is a digital or physical product. For more information, please refer to the product description.

You understand and agree that the content included in any of the Products is merely meant to be informational in nature and does not represent any level of legal, medical, financial, or other professional industry-specific advice. As such, our Company will not be responsible for any damages that result from the use of the Products.

No Warranties + No Guarantees.
We are providing the Products on this Website on an “As-Is” basis for individual use by you at your own risk and without any warranties, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of title; merchantability; fitness for a particular use; or any rights or licenses in these Terms. The Company makes no warranty as to the accuracy and reliability of information set forth in the Products, the Website, and Company-related documentation. You understand and agree that purchasing the Products does not guarantee specific results, including financial or other business gains for you personally and/or for the business. The information included in the Products is provided for informational purposes only and you are responsible for implementing any business practices or suggested actions found within these Products.

Payment + Billing.
By providing the Company with your preferred payment method, you represent that you: (i) are authorized to use, and (ii) authorize the Company to charge that payment method (the “Authorized Payment Method”) for any fees related to your purchase of the Products, including without limitation fees relating to any paid feature of the Website and/or subscription service of the Company in which you have chosen to enroll (collectively, the “Fees”). If you are taking advantage of any limited time trial-period offer and you do not cancel the service on or before the last day of the trial period, you are authorizing us to charge your payment method for the service. Unless otherwise indicated, all Fees are in USD.

Refund Policy.
If our Products did not meet your needs and you have followed the conditions in this section, we are willing to offer a 5-day refund policy. Please email support@reganbaroni.com clearly stating the reason the Products didn’t meet your needs and provide examples. Any refund request after 5 days of the Product date of purchase will not be honored.

Payment Plan Option.
When you purchase any Products on payment plan basis (for example: weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually), you are authorizing the Company to process incurred and recurring Fees until the payment plan is complete and all outstanding fees have been paid in full. You must keep a valid Authorized Payment Method on file with the Company. Recurring payments are billed on the initial date of purchase on a prorated basis, then on the 30th day of the month(s) that follow for 1 month. If we are unable to successfully process a payment of the Fees using your Authorized Payment Method, we will make a second attempt to process payment 2 days later, then we will make a final attempt 2 days following the second attempt if it is unsuccessful. If the final attempt is unsuccessful, we reserve the right to suspend or revoke your access to the Products until all current and outstanding Fees are paid. If outstanding Fees remain unpaid for 90 days following the suspension date, the Company reserves the right to refer your account to collections. The Purchaser has 30 days to notify the Company of any issues with recurring payments.

You are required to complete all payments for the payment plan period you committed to at purchase. If any payment is returned unpaid or the payment method is rejected during the subscription period, the Company or its service providers reserve the right to collect any applicable fees as permitted by law. If you fail to make any payment on time and fail to correct such missed payment within 30 days, or if you fail to make the 2 payments on time, the Company is permitted to cancel your participation in the program by providing written notice at the email address provided by you. Upon cancellation, you agree and promise to pay the Company a cancellation fee as damages equal to (i) the amount of any missed payments, plus 50% of the remaining amounts due under the Agreement. The cancellation fee is due immediately, and the Company is authorized to use any credit card or bank account on file to collect such fee. The Company will have no further obligations to perform under these Terms following cancellation.

By attempting a chargeback with your financial institution, you are expressly agreeing to pay the full cost of your original purchase, plus any fees or associated costs incurred by the Company. We have the right to present these Terms to your financial institution, any payment processing company and/or investigating agency concerning the attempted chargeback or financial dispute.

Promotions + Discounts.
We may occasionally market and/or advertise promotions, discounts, limited time offers, and/or bonuses (“Promotions”) to potential customers. You are entitled to take advantage of any active Promotions when you purchase our Products. Promotions are offered manually and/or through automated campaigns at any given time and are not guaranteed to be available when you make a purchase through the Website. We reserve the right to change or alter any Promotions at any time and at our sole discretion. {If you made a purchase of our Products prior to any associated Promotions, we are unable to honor the new offer, give you store credit, return a portion of your purchase, etc.

License for Use.
By purchasing Products through our Website, you are agreeing to the Terms of Purchase and, in return, we are providing you with a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, personal-use license (“License”) to use the Products by yourself only.
Sharing, copying, reproducing, modifying, publishing, selling, or otherwise distributing the Products, whether publicly or privately, is expressly prohibited. You may, however, copy or print instructional materials, information, and guides within the Products for personal use, provided that all original formatting, copyright and trademark notices, and branding remains intact. Your limited license allows you to use the Products and any associated materials for yourself only.

If you have multiple team members who would need access to the Products, you must purchase an additional License for each member of your team and ensure they are aware of these Terms of Purchase.

Intellectual Property.
The Company owns and retains all rights, titles, and interests in and to the Products. Nothing in these Terms transfers any intellectual property ownership beyond the limited license described in the above section, and we reserve all rights not expressly granted to you.

Consent to Use.
By submitting reviews, images, comments, testimonials, or tags (“Submissions”) to us on any platform including, but not limited to social media, email and online reviews, you are by default granting us a commercial license and voluntarily releasing us to use your Submissions for any reasonable future business use. In doing so, we may use your name {and/or photo} along with any other publicly acknowledged information that has been revealed by you when referring to your Submissions on our Website, marketing materials, guides, and any other platform not expressed in these Terms.

Age Limitations.
You acknowledge you are able to perform any and all of the obligations required under these Terms of Purchase. By submitting payment or otherwise enrolling through the Website, you warrant that you meet all legal age limits in your jurisdiction that are required to use this Website and/or purchase Products.

Changing Terms.
We reserve the right to update and revise these Terms at any time without notice to you. Your continued use of the Products and Website after we have updated the Terms of Purchase indicates your acceptance and agreement to the changes.

Privacy + Protection of Personal Information.
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. We may use certain information that we collect from you to operate Regan Baroni Photography, LLC and provide our Products. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand the types of data we collect from you and your devices (“Data”) in connection with your purchase of Products through the Website and how we use your Data.

Error in Store Presentation.
We strive to present information that is published correctly and update the Website regularly in a way that allows us to correct any resulting errors. However, any of the content on the Website may, at any given time, be incorrect or out-of-date. We reserve the right to make changes to Product prices, specifications, processes, Promotions, availability, and to the Website as a whole at any time under any circumstance.

Termination of Use.
We may terminate your account or restrict your use of the Website at any time for any reason. Under these Terms, you understand that you are responsible for any orders and purchases you make or charges you incur prior to such termination. The company may change, discontinue, or otherwise suspend the Website for any reason, at any time, and without prior notice to the Purchaser.

Limitation of Liability.
The Company is in no way liable to the Purchaser or any other third party for any and all damages including, but not limited to, punitive or exemplary damages or those resulting from negligence relating to these Terms, regardless of whether the Purchaser was advised of such damages, the foreseeable nature of the damages, and the legal or equitable theory upon which the claim for damages is based.
This Limitation of Liability provision does not purport to affect any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under the law.

Maximum Damages.
Our entire maximum liability and your sole remedy for any actions or claims shall be limited to the actual amount paid by you for the Products you have purchased through the Website.

Binding Arbitration.
In the event there is a dispute between the Parties that cannot be brought to an amicable mutual understanding, the Parties understand and agree that such dispute will be handled through binding arbitration in alignment with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The Parties understand that they will be bound by any decision rendered by the arbitrator and/or arbitration proceedings. The arbitration itself will be held in Dupage County, Illinois. If the arbitration is unable to move forward in the designated jurisdiction, the Company will unilaterally elect another venue for the arbitration. The Parties will equally share in the costs and expenses of arbitration and any related proceedings.

Choice of Law.
These Terms and the Parties’ relationship are governed by the laws of the[Illinois.*EXAMPLE: State of Georgia/Territory of Puerto Rico/District of Columbia* In the event of conflicting laws, the laws of Illinois will control.
Notices. We may provide notice to you by: (i) sending a message to the email address provided by you, or (ii) by posting to the Website. Notices sent by email will be effective at the time of sending and notices posted to the Website will be effective upon posting. You may provide notice to the Company by certified mail to Regan Baroni Photography, LLC, P.O. Box 515 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Notices provided by certified mail will be effective upon actual receipt of the notice.

Severability + No Waiver.
If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court with jurisdiction, all other provisions set forth in these Terms will remain valid and enforceable. By failing to enforce any right or provision of these Terms, we are not waiving the right or ability to enforce the same rights or provisions in the future. Any right or provision in these Terms will only be considered waived if done so in writing by an authorized representative of the Company.

Transfer + Assignment.
You may not transfer or assign any of your rights under these Terms to any third party without the express written consent of the Company.

Force Majeure.
To the extent that any failure or delay in our delivery of the Products under these Terms is caused by or results from acts or circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we will not be liable or responsible to you and the same will not be considered a breach of these Terms. Such acts or circumstances beyond our reasonable control could include, without limitation, acts of God, fire, flood, earthquake, natural disasters, cyber attacks, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, civil unrest, national emergency, epidemic, pandemic, labor disputes, supply chain restraints or delays in obtaining suitable materials, materials breakdown, telecommunications breakdown, or power outage.

Headings for Convenience Only.
The headings in these Terms are included for convenience and reference, and are not meant to describe, define, or limit the scope or intent of any provision.

Entire Agreement + All Rights Reserved.
In concluding these Terms, you understand and acknowledge that these Terms constitute the final agreement and supersede all others regarding the purchase, sale, and use of any Products and the use of the Website. The Company reserves any and all rights not expressly granted in these Terms.

Privacy Policy

Regan Baroni Photography LLC, known forward as the “Company”, respects the privacy concerns of the users of its website, and the services provided therein (the “Site”). The Company thus provides this privacy statement to explain what information is gathered during a visit to the Site and how such information may be used.
Your use of the Company’s services and this site are also governed by those of ThriveCart, located in Austin, Texas. Please also review the ThriveCart website Terms of Use and their Privacy Policy.

Use of Information:
As a general policy, no personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, or e-mail address, is automatically collected from your visit to the Site. However, certain non-personal information is recorded by the standard operation of the Company’s internet servers. Information such as the type of browser being used, its operating system, and your IP address is gathered in order to enhance your online experience.
The Site’s various mailing lists, downloads, special offers, contests, registration forms, and surveys may request that you give us contact information such as your name, mailing and/or e-mail address, demographic information such as your age and gender, and personal preference information such as your preferred software and interests. Information submitted at the time of submission will be used by the Company only as necessary for our legitimate business interests, including without limitation the improvement of our products, services and the contents of the Site. The Company may also share such information with our business and promotional partners to further those interests. Personally identifiable information is never sold or leased to any third parties. With your permission, we may use your contact information to send you information about our company and products. You may always opt-out of receiving future mailings as provided below. The Company does not store any credit card information it may receive in regard to a specific transaction and/or billing arrangement except as necessary to complete and satisfy its rights and obligations with regard to such transaction, billing arrangement, and/or as otherwise authorized by a user.

Neither the Company nor the Site knowingly permit the use of malware, spyware, viruses, and/or other similar types of software.

Links to External Sites:
The Company is not responsible for the content or practices of third party websites that may be linked to the Site. The Company is also not responsible for any information that you might share with such linked websites. You should refer to each website’s respective privacy policy and practices prior to disclosing any information.

Bulletin Boards and Chat Areas:
Guests of the Site are solely responsible for the content of messages they post on the Company’s forums, such as chat rooms and bulletin boards. Users should be aware that when they voluntarily disclose personal information (e.g., user name, e-mail address, phone number) on the bulletin boards or in the chat areas, that information can be collected and used by others and may result in unsolicited messages from other people. You are responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these instances. Please be cautious when using these features.

The Site may provide you the opportunity to opt-in to receive communications from us at the point where we request information about you. You always have the option of removing your name from any email list in order to discontinue any such future communications. In order to ensure immediate removal from any list, please follow the specific instructions set forth within the communications you receive from the Company which you no longer wish to receive. If you are unsuccessful in completing the instructions specified in any such communication, please email us at support@reganbaroni.com, including a copy of the undesired email attached to the request, and state you wish to be removed from the mailing list.

Your Acceptance of These Terms:
By using the Site, you accept the policies and restrictions set forth in this Online Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use the Site. This Online Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then current Online Privacy Policy to which you are bound.

Contact Information for Complaints or Concerns:
If you have any complaints or concerns about the Company or about this privacy statement, please contact: regan@reganbaroni.com.
I agree

Payment Information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal



"I was intrigued to sign up for this Food Photography course because I handle the Social Media account for a successful restaurant and was looking to increase the quality of the pictures I was taking. 

This course most definitely helped me have a better understanding of all the little details that could make a big difference in my photos. I also have an outdated iPhone and was beginning to think that I needed a brand new phone to get better pictures, but this course showed me how to 'unlock' the full potential of my camera. 

Between the nifty tricks and recommendations on apps and editing software, my pictures are looking so nice and the process of trying to get a "good shot" has become much easier. 

I definitely recommend this course to anyone; it is easy to follow and well put together. Regan does an excellent job of explaining everything thoroughly and she is clearly very good at her craft. I am looking forward to signing up for future courses!" 


Food & Beverage Manager

"I had no idea I could improve my iPhone food images this much!? Thank you so much for this course, Regan!" 


Restaurant General Manager

"Loved the editing lessons and the demonstrations! This course was perfect for a beginner like me and my images don't look like a 'beginner' took them anymore."


Food & Beverage Manager